Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mike & Marilyn Welcome Sixteenth Grandchild

Mary Maranda, my sixth child, gave birth to my sixteenth grandchild on Friday the 16th of January 2009. Maranda arrived at the Bergan Mercy Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska at 3:30 AM on Thursday the 15th and was induced shortly after that. Her labor was long and intense. It was 24 hours later that the baby finally arrived. I was happy to have her come on Friday since according to the song "Friday's child is loving and giving". I was NOT happy that Maranda's first experience with giving birth was so long and difficult for her to endure. Maranda's husband, Joel Douglas Taylor, was there by her side to support and encourage her through this long ordeal. He is a law student at Creighton University and now he is a proud father. It was a joyous moment when Kamryn came into the world at 3:38 AM. She was almost 8 pounds (7 lbs. 15.8 ozs.) and was 20.75 inches long. She is a darling little girl with lots of light brown hair that will probably turn blonde as she gets older. Mike and I flew in Friday afternoon to spend a week with Joel and Maranda and to help welcome little Kamryn into our family.


Melinda said...

Way to go! I like your blogs, you blogger you.

Melanie said...

I love Kamryn and she's so lucky to have such awesome parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! Maranda's labor sure reminds me of my labor of love for miss Kambri-- 25 hours of pitosin induced with a bonus hour of pushing. I remember saying the same thing Maranda said, "Wow I can't believe women do this more than once!."